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Complex themes made easy.

Every month we release more exciting articles and interesting, well-researched perspectives on current affairs. Written in “easy” German, ArrivalNews even offers glossaries full of tricky vocabulary to accompany each article. Learning German has never been easier.

We print ArrivalNews monthly and distribute copies across the whole of Germany. We offer five regional editions, tailored specifically to the cities and surrounding areas of Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, and Hamburg.

But what’s so special about a subscription to ArrivalNews?

✓ It’s free!

✓ Exciting and interesting articles, and well-researched news written in “easy” and accessible German

✓ Up-to-date content - we suggest current, affordable, and interesting activities and events for both adults and children

✓ A children’s section

✓ It’s flexible! You can cancel your subscription at any time

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