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Your financial support allows us to continue to support people new to Germany or to learning German. It enables people to improve their German and to get involved with daily life and discussions in Germany - all whilst helping them integrate!


Why become a patron?

  • With our subscription programme specially tailored to our Patrons, your copy of ArrivalNews will be delivered right to your door, every month for the duration of your subscription.

  • Your subscription enables us to provide 10 people with ArrivalNews for a whole year!

  • Your support promotes, encourages, and facilitates learning German and integration into German society

subscription options:

The PREMIUM Patron’s Subscription

  • A whole year of ArrivalNews delivered to your front door

  • Enables 25 readers to access ArrivalNews for a whole year

  • A surpise gift from ArrivalAid

  • For just 85 Euro!

The Patron’s Subscription

  • A whole year of ArrivalNews delivered to your front door

  • Enables 10 readers to access ArrivalNews for a whole year

  • For just 55 Euro!